and even while i have been waiting for this for so long, i am content to do everything right the first time even if it means that i search for the right color/fabric/furniture for a while.
such has been the case for my kitchen curtains. the kitchen is destined to be gorgeous in shades of aqua blues and lime greens, to coordinate with my collections of same colored glasses, textiles, and utensils. i intend for the bulk of the kitchen to be painted a lighter shade of aqua with one large wall painted white. i hope to find a fabric for the curtains for the two windows that have such a pattern that i might paint it onto the large white wall in a larger scale.
some fabrics that are front runners at this point:
teja in blue by dena fishbein
flirty dance in lime by patricia bravo
tea garden by dena designs
i really love this one. if it is not my curtains it will surely be found somewhere else in my home. i also think i'll have a lot of fun painting it.
mckenzie df70 - aqua by dena designs
and here's some others that are not entirely eliminated:
nicey jane hb20 by heather bailey
hoot hoot in marchmellow by moda
peacock eye in green by patricia bravo
pop garden wallpaper roses by heather bailey
sanctuary seafoam aromatherapy by patty young
tufted tweets birdie dots grass by patty young
and one more that won't let me cut and paste the image:
i have fondness for all of them.
after i choose the fabrc i will choose my paint color to coordinate.
decisions, decisions.