Monday, May 16, 2011

look what i did this weekend . . .

these days it seems like i only get to making lovliness when absolutely forced to.  my little fox is sly as ever, and he is fast and sneaky and strong and smart.  oh, and me - i am exhausted.

thing #1 had a birthday party on saturday, and birthday parties require gifts!  i always try to make gifts for these little people, especially when i know that their parents have the means (and often times far greater than my own) to buy their child whatever they desire.  i have one small advantage, and that is that i do what i do.  so, here's what i made for the birthday girl:
it has a wall hanging bracket on the back, and i do hope she likes it.  i think i would have liked it when i was 7 :)

 i could not attend the party because i was at work!  yes, tis the season when i don the neon yellow shirt and slave away at six flags every saturday in the airbrush t-shirt booth.  this was my 4th saturday out there, and business is hopping.  before the rush started i knocked out this shirt for my little guy:
i know - it's adorable.  i was going to post a pic of him wearing it (this size is a bit big so he looks all 'thug' with it down to his knees) but he decided to take a header into the table and i don't need any more pics of him injured.

i also finished my t-shirt scarf!  you might recall my previous post when i started this project.  if not, see it here.  i have learned a lot from this project, the most important thing being that one needs to cut the t-shirt very evenly throughout or the scarf might look a mess when you're done!  moral of the story is that it is done, but i might make some adjustments to this piece before it's "final".

so, blogstalkers, that's what i did this weekend somewhere between the meetings, the crowds at six flags, and the runny noses i found the time to do what makes me happy.  yay for me.


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