Wednesday, September 8, 2010


my heart wants to paint.  i have been walking by my pile on empty canvasses and bare wood discs all day long and i know (i know!) that if i even try to get one out that something terrible, like a spontaneous brush fire in my living room, will occur.  it's not that i have a large amount of incredibly dry brush in our home - it's that these last 24 hours have been hard.  i would rather wait for this 'whatever' to pass.

part of the 'whatever' is my little fox who is slowly getting back to his normal.  i cannot wait.  i miss my happy baby.

my free time today has been dedicated to the business side of art making.  pricing and inventory-ing, and figuring out how i will package and so on and so on.  it is tedious, but it is the kind of thing i can drop quickly and for hours if need be.  painting seldom allows such interruptions.

in my diligent (and at times ocd-like) inventory-ing i rediscovered something i had painted a few months ago.  it got put on a shelf because it was larger than the others and wouldn't fit in the same box.  she's pretty so i will show her off.


i have a thing for peacock feathers but had never painted one before this.  i think it went well.

i am setting a goal for myself for tomorrow.  there is this small town mini-event happening tomorrow evening.  i want to go, but i am requiring that i start and finish something art-esque tomorrow before i can go.  fingers crossed.


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